- 13 Aug 2024
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Level 2 / Level 3 Data
- Updated on 13 Aug 2024
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What is Level 2 / Level 3 Data?
Level 1/Level 2/Level 3 (L1/L2/L3) represents the levels of data provided on a payment card transaction - the higher the number, the more information is provided about the transaction.
All transactions include L1 data, whereas L2/L3 data is typically provided on card products that the networks tailor towards a specific type of industry and data, such as Fleet, Travel, and HSA/FSA products.
What are the benefits of Level 2 / Level 3 data?
As L2/L3 data provides much more detailed information about a card transaction, it can unlock a number of opportunities for FinTechs, including:
Gaining a deeper understanding of cardholders’ spending behavior
Building better controls around cardholders’ spending
Building better reward programs
Building programs targeted at specific industries, such as the Fleet or the Travel industry
Overall, the enhanced insights that come with L2/L3 data helps improve card program management, which, in turn helps reduce cost and increase revenue.
What types of Level 2 / Level 3 data and programs does Synctera currently support?
Synctera currently supports:
Fleet cards and fleet-related L2/L3 data:
Fuel purchase: Type of Purchase, Fuel Type, Quantity, Unit of Measure, Unit Cost, Gross/Net Fuel Price, etc.
Non-Fuel: Specific product categories and product codes, quantity, unit of measure, line-item information, discounts, taxes, etc.
Inventory data:
Quantity, VAT tax rate and amount, item details (VAT, discount, description, product code, unit price, etc.)
Financial data:
Tax amount, tax ID, etc.
FinTechs that are interested in other types of L2/L3 data can contact their Synctera representative for implementation details. This includes data such as:
Auto rental data
Courier data
Lodging data
Travel-related data
How is Level 2 / Level 3 data shown on a transaction?
When available, L2/L3 data is received from the processor as part of card transaction clearing events/webhooks, i.e. as a transaction transitions from authorized/pending to cleared/posted
Note that sometimes two clearing events may be received for a transaction with L2/L3 data, and there may be a few hours between those - i.e. a posted transaction without L2/L3 data may later get updated with L2/L3 data
L2/L3 data is shown in both the Synctera Console, and in the Synctera Transaction API
Synctera Console - example
When available, L2/L3 data is shown on a separate L2/L3 tab on the posted card transaction
To get to the posted transaction view, either navigate to the Account and from there the Transactions tab or go to Transactions > Posted Transactions

Synctera Transaction API - example
When available, L2/L3 data is shown under
on the posted card transaction - see Get Posted Transaction endpointFor more information on L2/L3 data on card transactions, see the API Developer Guide

How to subscribe to Level 2 / Level 3 data?
FinTechs that are interested in L2/L3 data can contact their Synctera representative for implementation and subscription details, including pricing.