Performing Reconciliation
    • 23 Aug 2022
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    Performing Reconciliation

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    Article summary

    In order to close the books successfully, Sponsor Banks and Synctera will need to go through an End of Day process that syncs the subledger and the FBO FinTech accounts on a daily basis. This includes the operational postings and updates needed as well as the reconciliation of the books.

    The simple process is comprised of the following steps
    1. Sponsor Bank to update the FBO accounts through manual processes in the banks core
    2. Sponsor Bank to create e-Statements
    3. Synctera to update the Internal mirror accounts to the FBO in Synctera’s subledger
    4. Sponsor Bank to execute the reconciliation with the support of Synctera Platform’s auto-matching capabilities

    Reconciliation Overview

    Managing Reconciliation

    The Bank will provide two daily CSV files in order for Synctera to ingest into the Platform. This allows Synctera to display the Bank’s FinTech related accounts and transactions from the Core in the Synctera Platform in order to reconcile the transactions with the Synctera ledger. 

    Accounts CSV

    The Bank will export the Accounts CSV file and drop it in the FTP folder with Synctera once a day.

    Transactions CSV

    The Bank will export the Transactions CSV file and drop it in the FTP folder with Synctera once a day.

    ACH Reconciliation

    Bank Operations will engage in reconciliation efforts in the Synctera Platform:

    ACH File Summary View

    ACH File Summary

    ACH File Summary shows the sum total of outgoing debit and outgoing credit per FinTech.

    The following steps demonstrate the end of day processing for the Sponsor Bank's operations team:

    1. The Bank debits/credits the FED settlement account and debits/credits the FinTech's settlement account for the value of the credit/debit sweep transaction in the Synctera system - this value represents all the credits/debits for the FinTech to be settled with the Fed. 
      1. If this does not match the settlement from the Fed, a reconciliation difference will exist that will need to be investigated based on the reconciliation function in the Synctera App.
    2. After the Bank moves all the Credit/Debits to the FinTech Settlement account, the Fed settlement account should be ‘zero’ and it is balanced against the FinTech settlement account. 
    3. From the Settlement account, money is moved manually in the Sponsor Bank's Banking Core to the FinTech FBO account - now the FinTech is balanced for ACH.

    Debit Card Reconciliation

    Sponsor Banks will use the Synctera Platform to reconcile any debit card transactions. On a daily basis, Banks will receive a Mastercard drawdown or the Mastercard Settlement. The amounts reflected in the drawdown can be reconciled with the data from Mastercard & Pulse that Synctera receives from Marqeta. The Network Summary displays this data as an aggregate with Gross transaction values and the Interchange and Currency Conversion Fee values.

    • Card Details: Sum total amount of card transactions on a given day per network
    • Network Interchange: Sum total amount of interchange on a given day per network
    • Currency Conversion Fee: Sum total amount of foreign exchange fees per network


    The Mastercard Settlement amount will equal the (Card Details - Network Interchange + Currency Conversion Fee)

    Mastercard Settlement = Card Details - Network Interchange + Currency Conversion Fee
    $1782.61 = $1815.40 - $36.42 + $3.63

    Debit Card End of Day Processing

    The following steps demonstrate the end of day processing for the Sponsor Bank's operations team:

    1. Review Mastercard Settlement or Mastercard drawdown amount from the Sponsor Bank's Mastercard DDA
    2. Review the Synctera Platform in order to determine the drawdown amounts per FinTech.
    3. Debit the FinTech FBOs based on information gathered in Step 2.
    4. Send the interchange to Synctera's t-10 LLC
    5. Synctera to send the interchange revenue share to the Sponsor Bank

    Mastercard Drawdown Process - Today (2)

    How to determine the drawdown amounts per FinTech

    Step 1

    Bank Operations will login to the Synctera Platform:


    Step 2

    Select the FinTech in question, Reconciliation Type = Card Summary. See the "Network Summary" (right-side of screen).


    Step 3 

    Drawdown the FinTech FBO by the Card Details amount

    Flow of Funds


    ACH Flow of Funds

    Debit Cards 

    Debit Cards with Currency Conversion Fees


    Card Swipe$13.78

    1Mastercard Settlement ICA$13.53
    Net amount - excludes interchange
    2Federal Reserve Bank

    3FinTech Card Clearing Account$13.53

    4Mastercard Settlement ICA

    5FinTech FBO$13.78

    6FinTech Card Clearing Account
    7FinTech Interchange Account
    $0.28Net amount = Interchange

    8FinTech Operational Account$0.03
    Bank Account at the Sponsor Bank
    9FinTech PnL Account

    10FinTech Interchange Account$0.28

    11Synctera Interchange Account

    12FinTech Revenue
    $0.196% of Interchange (70%)
    13Sponsor Bank Revenue$0.28$0.042% of Interchange as determined by contract (15%)
    14Synctera Revenue
    $0.042% of Interchange (15%)

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