Table Definition: ACH File Posting Detail External (ach_file_posting_detail_external)
    • 28 Feb 2024
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    Table Definition: ACH File Posting Detail External (ach_file_posting_detail_external)

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    This document describes the columns that are part of the ACH File Posting Detail External (ach_file_posting_detail_external) table, published on Insights.
    This table is also available via Secure File Delivery (SFD)
    This document was last updated on 2024-02-26

    The unique identifier (Primary Key, or PK) for this table is the ach_txn_uuid

    (Please note that you may need to scroll left and right to see the full definition. Download to PDF for easier viewing.)

    Column NameData TypeDescription
    bank_nameSTRINGhuman readable name for the bank
    partner_nameSTRINGhuman readable name for the partner / fintech
    bank_codeSTRING3 character code that identifies the bank
    partner_codeSTRING3 character code that identifies the partner (FinTech)
    ach_file_directionSTRINGcategory identifying the direction of the ach (outbound "to the fed", inbound "from the fed")
    ach_file_idINT64numerical identifier for the file (to be used in combination with the ach_direction to find a file in achilles)
    ach_file_nameSTRINGthe path filename of the ach file
    ach_file_exchange_windowTIMESTAMPthe (time-bound) ach file exchange window of the file (outbound-only)
    ach_file_input_date_utcDATEdate field indicating when the file was brought into / actioned within the synctera platform
    ach_effective_dateTIMESTAMPthe effective date of the ach transaction, per the ach file
    ach_txn_uuidSTRINGunique identifier for the ach transaction in the synctera ach application (achilles)
    ach_trace_noSTRINGthe trace number of the ach
    ach_is_same_day_flagBOOLt/f flag indicating if the ach is marked for "same day" effective date (outbound only)
    ach_transaction_codeINT64the transaction code of the ach transaction, per the ach file
    ach_debit_credit_signSTRINGcategory field indicating if the ach transaction is tagged as a debit / credit
    ach_is_return_flagBOOLt/f flag indicating if the ach is a return (see return code)
    ach_return_codeSTRINGcategory field indicating the type of return this ach represents (if any) for more info, see ref_transactions.seed_ach_return_codes
    ach_return_original_traceSTRINGthe original trace number of the ach that was the "source / precursor" of this ach, if this ach is a return
    ach_sec_codeSTRINGstring category field indicating the standard entry class (sec) code for the transaction
    ach_txn_statusSTRINGthe transaction status of the ach in the synctera ach application (achilles)
    ach_amount_centsINT64the amount of the ach, in cents
    ledger_txn_account_typeSTRINGcategory indicating the type of account that the ach transaction primarily impacts on the synctera ledger (typically "Customer Account" or "Internal - Suspense" account) - this is the "non-offset" account in the transaction
    ledger_txn_typeSTRINGcategory indicating the transaction type of the transaction in the synctera lead ledger (centine.trx) that the ach transaction corresponds to
    ledger_txn_subtypeSTRINGcategory indicating the transaction subtype of the transaction in the synctera lead ledger (centinel.trx) that the ach transaction corresponds to
    ledger_posted_dateDATEdate that the transaction corresponding to the ach transaction was posted in the synctera lead ledger (centinel.trx) was posted
    ledger_effective_dateDATEdate that the transaction corresponding to the ach transaction was posted in the synctera lead ledger (centinel.trx) was effective
    ledger_txn_statusSTRINGtransaction status of the transaction corresponding to the ach transaction in the synctera lead ledger (centinel.trx)
    ledger_txn_uuidSTRINGthe unique identifier for the ach transaction in the synctera lead ledger (centinel.trx)
    ledger_amount_signedNUMERICthe amount of the ach transaction, in dollars, with a sign indicating its impact on the primary account listed above
    ach_transaction_workflow_stateSTRINGstring category field indicating the stage in the lifecycle of an ach transaction / return process that the ach transaction is in (originating transaction, return, dishonored return)
    ach_transaction_typeSTRINGstring category field indicating the business-friendly (banking) transaction type of a given ach transaction (e.g., Outgoing Debit, Outgoing Debit Return, Outgoing Debit Dishonored Return)
    ach_return_code_nameSTRINGstring field providing a system name (all capitals, with underscores instead of spaces) for the ach return code
    ach_return_code_short_descSTRINGstring field with a short (~2-5 word, incomplete sentence) description for the ach return code
    ach_return_code_special_reporting_categorySTRINGstring category field indicating (if applicable) the reporting category for the ach return code (Administrative Return, Unauthorized Return, null - for inclusion Overall)

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